Disney’s short film Steamboat Willie, released in 1928, featured Mickey Mouse, and the company’s copyrights expired after 95 years, as of January 1, 2024. With the expiration of copyrights, the character Mickey Mouse became public domain. A few hours after the relevant news spread, a game company called Nightmare Forge announced the Mickey Mouse-themed survival game Infestation Origins. The game, which will be available very soon, can now be added to the wish list on Steam, but it has not yet been announced when it will be available.
Copyright Expired Mickey Mouse Movie “Steamboat Willie”
Mickey and Minnie Mouse, cartoon characters known all over the world, are now available to the public as of January 1, 2024. However, more modern versions of Mickey are not affected by the expiration of the Steamboat Willie copyright, and Mickey will continue to play a leading role in storytelling, theme park attractions, and Disney products as a global ambassador for the Walt Disney Company.
In addition, if excessive use of characters whose copyright has expired is detected, Disney may intervene.
Horror Game Inspired by Mickey Mouse “İnfestation Origins”
Infestation Origins is an online co-op horror game in which we are an exterminator who cures sinister invasions caused by twisted versions of classic characters and urban legends. The main villain of the game is Mickey Mouse. The game is similar in concept to Dead by Daylight, Friday the 13th and Five Nights at Freddy’s. Run, hide, fight, escape.
In the game, 4 real players struggle to survive against artificial intelligence pests that react randomly. I say Pest because the 4 main characters are called to a place where they don’t know what they will encounter and only hunt pests, but they fall into a nightmare they never expected.
Duties of 4 characters in the game; As a team, you find the source of the pest infestation, follow the clues you find while searching for the source, destroy the hidden nests, and ultimately confront and eliminate the main villain responsible for the infestation.
The game comes with Nvidia DLSS support, can be played multiple times at random, and requires a minimum of 8 GB RAM and a GTX1050 graphics card.
You can add the game to your Steam wishlist from the link below and purchase it when it becomes available.
>> İnfestation Origins on Steam
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